Wander delivers multi-spot campaign for Nintendo 3DS
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Wander hit the ground running in 2011, wrapping up a multi spot campaign for Nintendo’s revolutionary 3D hand-held game console – the 3DS. That’s right, 3D gaming without the glasses. The still unreleased 3DS is in a category all its own.“That’s right, 3D gaming without the glasses!”
This campaign shows people having fun while playing the new 3DS. The spots were used in conjunction with Nintendo’s Press events happening simultaneously in New York and Amsterdam, as well as on the homepage of the 3DS microsite. Additional spots will air on the Nintendo Channel which can be viewed on your Wii console if it is connected to the internet. You can also view the spots below.
Notable Crew:
Cinematographer – Rodney Taylor (ASC)
Steadicam Operator – Geoff Haley (THE FIGHTER)
Wardrobe Designer – Jeffrey Kurland (INCEPTION, COLLATERAL, OCEANS ELEVEN)
Read the NY Times Article.
3DS Hero Spot
3DS Steel Diver Spot
3DS Resident Evil Spot
Wander Sales
William Trusting
ph: 323.230.7361