Behind the Scenes: Wander Short Film Shoot
- posted in: behind the scenes, from Aaron
Here are some photos from our shoot back in February for our soon to be released short film, Wander. We filmed for 2 days on the cold streets of New York City’s lower east side. Following that we trekked out to the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in Morristown, New Jersey for another very cold day. Great work to the cast and crew who really gave their all on this logistically challenging shoot. A fun fact about this project – it was my college senior thesis while working towards graduation at the School of Visual Arts.
An ally in the lower east side of New York City with some track laid down and leaves brought in to dress the scene.
Some movie magic at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum to create our transition from city to nature.
Filming the final scene with actor Jan Uzkowski in freezing temperatures.
Wander Sales
William Trusting
ph: 323.230.7361