Behind the Scenes on a Doc Shoot in the Colorado Rockies
- posted in: behind the scenes
Wander just returned from a couple days in Granby, Colorado, a small town located in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
What brought us to this beautiful location you ask? Well, Wander, Founder and Fearless Leader / Producer, Aaron Weber, was producing a shoot that will comprise part of a documentary. This documentary is the follow up to another documentary called Black Beauty Breed, which was released in 2013. Director Angie Ruiz returns continue the telling of this compelling story.
Filming was done using an Arri Alexa and a DGI Inspire Drone. The Alexa was shooting entirely at 120 FPS while our drone was filming at 4k. Some images from the shoot below.
Pictured (from left to right): Matt James, Michael Car, Aaron Weber, Angie Ruiz, Kevin Andrews, John Murphy and Scott Daharb
Pictured (from left to right): Aaron Weber and John Murphy
For inquiries, please contact:
William Trusting
ph: 323.230.7361