Building Community Through Content
- posted in: Tips From the Pros
There’s no power like the power of community. From organizations pursuing broad causes like Doctors Without Borders and Oxfam to specific tasks like post-natural disaster rehabilitation,
collective efforts are constantly proving there is strength in numbers.
Above image by Wander.
A strong community is essential for any organization; according to Steve Fortier, who has served as senior leader at three national non-profits, “community building within an organization is vital to better serving one’s mission, being more effective and efficient, fulfilling the deep human needs of organizational members, and to fully contributing to the well-being of the larger community.”
However, it can often be difficult for companies to engage large numbers of people and get them all on the same page. That’s where content comes in. Here are a few ways content that educates and inspires can build a steadfast community for your organization, whether nonprofit or otherwise:
1. Informing people about a shared issue
Many organizations that set out to educate people about something they have in common attract dedicated groups of followers who are supportive of each other and eager for yet more information and advice. One such example is the American Cancer Society, a nonprofit that, among other activities, provides online discussion boards where cancer patients can discuss their conditions and share health-related information. Through its discussion boards, the American Cancer Society allows patients themselves to create helpful, relevant content that attracts more patients to the organization itself.
2. Raising awareness
In addition to drawing in people with a common interest, engaging content can also raise broad awareness about specific causes and issues. Many of our films at Wander are designed to do just that. For example, our film “Coffee from Uganda” presents Coexist Coffee, which is produced by a Ugandan cooperative that works to unite different religious groups and to educate Ugandan children. The film informs viewers about problems particular Ugandan people are facing and shows what viewers can do to help — all in around two minutes. Content like this attracts people who are eager to contribute to causes like these and to support organizations’ initiatives.
3. Attracting like-minded people
Organizations that offer compelling content draw people who are actively invested in what they represent. Just look at Teach For America, whose blog and social media content attracts teachers willing to champion education in low-income classrooms — or the more consumer-oriented Harley Owners Group, whose website, which features stories, videos, and more, has gathered a massive membership. Whereas companies with inadequate content fail to interest and engage the people who actually care, those that capture their audience’s attention have a much higher chance of success in developing passionate communities of people with shared interests.
4. Communicating complex ideas
One of the qualities of good content we prize most at Wander is its ability to condense fairly complex ideas into a short format, making them more accessible to audiences. For example, our film “Unleash Your Inner David” tells the story of Joanna Manu, a Ghanaian woman who, with the help of Oxfam America, successfully took a stand against destructive mining companies — likened here to David defeating Goliath. The video uses Joanna’s example to show viewers that they, too, can connect with Oxfam America to make the world a better place. All this is communicated with one short video in an engaging and entertaining visual format, suited to today’s busy and easily distracted viewer.
Though all kinds of content are valuable for community-building, the seamless visual nature and compactness of video makes it an ideal medium for getting ideas across to a modern audience. Video is particularly well-suited for distribution on social media — one of today’s best options for reaching your audience — and performs well on mobile, making it a valuable type of asset for your organization as well. With our engaging format and our original Syncopated StorytellingSM, we at Wander help organizations attract donors and build dynamic, loyal communities. Contact us today and see for yourself!
For inquiries, please contact:
William Trusting
ph: 323.230.7361
e-mail: [email protected]